A tragic love story and cautionary tale of intolerance

A tragic love story and cautionary tale of intolerance

For a professional theater experience in Chicago you can’t do much better than the Lyric opera production of West Side Story. This Leonard Bernstein / Stephen Sondheim musical deemed cutting edge and somewhat avantgarde when first introduced is now a classic. West Side Story leans 

Opening Chicago Jazz Festival 2022

Opening Chicago Jazz Festival 2022

The music of Regina Harris Baiocchi performed by the Six degrees Jazz Ensemble was the opening act for the 2022 Chicago Jazz Festival. Baiocchi dubbed this a performance of love and peace. This video produced by Chicago Broadcasting Network Executive Producer Reno Lovison includes a 

Video Profile of Chicago Musician Stann Champion

Video Profile of Chicago Musician Stann Champion

Update: We are reposting this article in memory of Stann Champion (born Stanley Higgins) May 16,1952 – August 16, 2022. Elixir Strings Proudly Announces the selection of Chicago Award Winning Culture Music Legend Stann Champion for Elixir’s, “Endorsing Artist Program” for 2019. Based in Chicago, 

Recalling Chicago Blues Legends

Recalling Chicago Blues Legends

This episode of our podcast is a remix of an earlier interview conducted by Chicago based journalist Brett Stewart recorded with Blues authority Bill Dahl, feature writer for the Chicago Tribune, radio broadcaster and author of the books , “Motown the Golden Years” and more 

Lyric Streams “Pagliacci”

Lyric Streams “Pagliacci”

The Lyric Opera of Chicago is providing a recorded version of Rugerro Leoncavallo’s iconic opera “Pagliacci” to view online free of charge for an indefinite period of time beginning now. Listen to our podcast review then visit lyricopera.org/pagliacci to reserve your streaming link. Photo: Kyle 

Conversation with Chicago Composer, Author, Poet Regina Harris Baiocchi

Conversation with Chicago Composer, Author, Poet Regina Harris Baiocchi

Regina Harris Baiocchi is a celebrated African-American female composer and poet born, raised and currently living in Chicago. This discussion with Executive Producer and podcast host Reno Lovison sheds light on her journey as an artistic creative force and how she has been shaped by 

Garage Bands Rock Chicago

Garage Bands Rock Chicago

New Colony Six, Spanky and Our Gang, The Buckinghams, The Ides of March, The Shadows of Night, The Cryan’ Shames, Chicago (CTA). This is a very interesting and entertaining video, produced for WTTW, that those who are interested in vintage Rock n’ Roll might enjoy. 

Chicago musician talks about online piano lessons

Chicago musician talks about online piano lessons

Julie Lovison director of The Lake Shore Music Studio in Chicago talks about teaching online piano lessons and coping with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Something About You | Music Video | Chicago

Something About You | Music Video | Chicago

Tony Aiken and Future is back with “Something About You,” another reggae music video this time rockin’ a mainstream crossover vibe distributed by Radial by The Orchard. The recording kicks off with a guitar solo lick by Stann Champion on guitar before launching into the 

“Sweet Home” Celebs Support Illinois Arts

“Sweet Home” Celebs Support Illinois Arts

Dozens of local singers, dancers, and musicians join a star studded group of celebrities to record the Blues Brothers classic “Sweet Home Chicago” in support of the Arts for Illinois Relief Fund.

Why is Chicago a “Toddlin’ Town?”

Why is Chicago a “Toddlin’ Town?”

 “Don’t Spread It Around” is a parody on the iconic tune “Chicago (That Toddlin’ Town)” and is my humble attempt to encourage my fellow Chicagoans to abide by the stay-inside mandate ordered by the Chicago City government to encourage the practice social distancing during 

Steve Solomon LIVE on Piano Now!

Steve Solomon LIVE on Piano Now!

Steve is a Chicago native currently living in L.A. and is the composer of our theme song Foster Avenue Beach. You can leave a song request and or comment by text or short voice message at the following number ONLY during the live show please.