Chicago’s Original Polar Bear Club and other video images of the past

Chicago’s Original Polar Bear Club and other video images of the past
Here are a series of video found on the web provided by “Reel Life.”
The film clip below shows a 1930 member of the original Polar Bear Swim Club, Chicago, Illinois.
Polar bear swim clubs exist all over the world today, here is a rare early 1930s member taking a dip in icy Lake Michigan in winter for the cameras.
In the course of researching Chicago Polar Bear Club and or winter swimmers I happened upon this clip showing an Edgewater Beach Hotel life preserver at :20
1930, Bowman Dairy Company, daily life of a milkman on a horse drawn milk wagon, Chicago, Illinois Wonderful footage somewhere in Chicago.
3 min 24 secs, 16mm 2k digital scan B&W

1930, People, cars, Glen Clark Globe Gasoline service station, and life, Chicago, Illinois Wonderful footage all centered around activity at a service station somewhere in Chicago. 2 min 09 secs, 16mm 2k digital scan B&W

1927 Mom and child, dad and extended family, out in front of the home, Christmas, Chicago, Illinois. Some charming family footage captured outside their home, a four story apartment on 6412 N Seeley Ave, Chicago. ID’d from film box address. 5 min 30 secs 16mm 2k digital scan Possible photographer R.O. Burns

1933 Mystery reel! Ski jumping and possible Chicago Worlds fair. The ski jumping location is unknown, possibly in Michigan. The rest of the film might be the 1933 Chicago Worlds fair. Maybe someone can confirm that. There is a scene with Pabst advertising and beer being served, oddly prohibition wasn’t repealed until the end of 1933. 8 min 19 sec, 16mm 2k digital transfer

  1941 Chicago street scene. A short but interesting clip of traffic in downtown Chicago. Lots of details. Great color. 1 min 36 sec, 16mm 2k digital scan  

Rare footage of the WBBM Curtis Aero Car location trailer. 1939, 40th Annual Western Open, Medinah Country Club, Medinah, Illinois. Badly damaged film due to being run through a poorly maintained projector decades ago, shredding the perforations. Film salvaged as best as possible given current technology. Highlights of event include Byron Nelson, Tommy Armour, Charlie Pena, in a pre-television world, film reels were taken of major sporting events often by amateur photographers. Look for rare footage of WBBM Chicago’s Curtis Aero Car location trailer. 6 min 03 secs, 16mm 2k digital scan

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