Ten Candidates Fight for 48th Ward

In 2011 Harry Osterman was elected alderman for the 48th Ward replacing the outgoing ward representative on the city council Mary Ann Smith. After three terms representing the northside ward that covers parts of Edgewater, Andersonville and Uptown, Osterman announced in July 2022 that he would not seek an additional term.
On January 7, 2023 ten eager aldermanic hopefuls gathered at the Bezazian Library in Uptown to share their point-of-view regarding a number of issues of importance to the community and to the city as a whole. The group includes candidates Joe Dunne, Nassir Faulkner, Isaac Freilich Jones, Brian Haag, Leni Manaa-Hoppenworth, Andre Peloquin, Andrew Peters, Larry Svabek, Roxanne Volkmann, and Nick Ward.
The 48th Ward Aldermanic Forum was presented as a public service by the South-East Asia Center (SEAC) in co-ordination with a number of area businesses and not-for-profits who were invited to share questions that would be asked of the candidates.
Peter Porr, President of SEAC acted as moderator while Executive Director, San O offered opening and closing remarks. There were eight questions proffered and each participant was given one to one-and-a- half minutes to provided their thoughts on each matter.
The entire forum is available here on video.
**We would like to disclose that Reno Lovison, Executive Producer of ChicagoBroadcastingNetwork.com is also a paid consultant offering video, communication, and outreach services to South-East Asia Center.
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