The Road Up | Documentary Film Review

The Road Up | Documentary Film Review

In this Chicago based documentary “The Road Up” Mr. Jesse part preacher, part drill sergeant guides a class of mostly middle aged job seekers through a training course designed to raise their self-esteem and hone their skills to improve their readiness for employment.

The Cara program based in the south loop focuses on individuals who have been out of the workforce due to domestic violence, incarceration, homelessness or other factors that challenge their readiness to work.

Directed by Jon Siskel and Greg Jacobs; and edited by John Farbrother the film features a lovely sound track and is punctuated by some grittily pretty stills and b-roll presumably inspired by Director of Photography, Stephan Mazurek,  the storyline is well crafted with a touching somewhat surprising finale.

“The Road Up” can be seen at The Siskel Film Center, 164 N. State Street, Chicago October 8-14, 2021. Running time is 93 minutes. To learn about other screenings or information visit

Photo: “Siskel/Jacobs Productions”

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